Arizona Coyotes Renounce Rights to Draft Pick For History of Assault and Racism

The Arizona Coyotes of the NHL are cutting ties with Mitchell Miller after his history of racism and assault came to light.

What We Know:

  • Miller, 18, was selected in the fourth round of the 2020 NHL draft by the Arizona Coyotes. On October 26, the Arizona Republic published a story exposing Miller’s bullying of Isaiah Meyer-Crothers, a Black classmate with disabilities.
  • The Coyotes were aware of Miller’s actions and defended the selection, with president Xavier Gutierrez saying the team could be “part of the solution” in reforming him. “We believe that we are in the best position to guide Mitchell into becoming a leader for this cause and prevent bullying and racism now and in the future,” Gutierrez said.
  • The team renounced its rights to Miller on Thursday, making him a free agent. “In junior high, I got beat up by him . . . Everyone thinks he’s so cool that he gets to go to the NHL, but I don’t see how someone can be cool when you pick on someone and bully someone your entire life,” Meyer-Crothers said about Miller.
  • Miller admitted to bullying Meyer-Crothers in an Ohio juvenile court in 2016. He would call Meyer-Crothers racial slurs, physically beat him up, and at one point tricked him into eating candy that he had placed in a bathroom urinal.
  • Miller was found delinquent on counts of assault and violation of the Ohio Safe Schools Act and was suspended from school. He was sentenced to 25 hours of community service and mandatory counseling. Miller sent letters to every NHL team explaining the situation, but Meyer-Crothers said he never got an apology.

Miller previously committed to play at the University of North Dakota next season. The school has removed him from their hockey program.