Cuba says U.S. Sanctions Have Caused Nearly $5.6 Billion In Losses

On Thursday, Cuba stated that the island had lost nearly $5.6 billion in one year due to economic sanctions imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump.

What We Know:

  • Bruno Rodríguez, Cuban Foreign Minister, criticized what he said was a growing number of sanctions smothering the island. This topic is on the list for next year’s U.N. General Assembly session.
  • Rodríguez mentioned that this barricade is an increasingly malicious attempt to withhold Cuban people of essential goods for their survival. He also stated that the political hostility has reached “hectic levels”.
  • The $5.6 billion loss happened between April 2019 and March 2020, compared with $4.3 billion the previous year. Rodríguez mentioned that whoever wins the elections will face the tangible that the blockade and U.S. policy are hurting the Cuban people.
  • Cuba is going through a lot after everything that is happening in 2020. Having sanctions, coupled with a slow economy, the pandemic, and frequently active hurricane seasons has led to an increasing shortage of food and occasional fuel deficiency on the island.
  • Rodríguez stated:

“It’s cynical to express supposed concern that this policy affects only some Cubans, but it’s even more cynical to try and justify it.”

  • Trump recently added to the sanctions by prohibiting U.S. passengers to Cuba from bringing back Cuban cigars and rum or visiting in government-owned hotels here as he courts the Cuban-American vote in Florida for the upcoming election.

  • Trump stated the sanctions would continue in place until Cuba frees all political prisoners, legalizes political parties, holds free elections, and respects free assembly and expression rights.

Cuba has declined any interference in the country’s businesses. Having such a huge loss can be extremely detrimental to Cuba or any other Islands.