White House Doctor Provides Update on Trump Amid Multiple GOP and Administrative Positive COVID Tests

The White House stated President Donald Trump’s doctor has given an update on his condition Saturday morning. Trump’s doctor has noted he is doing “very well” as President Trump spends the weekend at a military hospital for care due to COVID-19.

What We Know:

  • Sean Conley, Navy Commander, stated Trump has been fever-free for 24 hours as he updates the nation on the president’s medical state from the military hospital Saturday morning as a safeguard. Trump had been admitted Friday after having a positive test result for the coronavirus. The news sent a shock throughout the nation just a month away from the presidential election.

  • Although Dr. Conley mentioned the president is not currently on oxygen, he declined to mention whether the president has ever been on oxygen, regardless of continuous questioning. He stated that Trump’s symptoms, including cough and nasal congestion, “are now resolving and improving”.
  • Conley mentions the president has “a lot of work to do,” but he is doing it. Doctors state the president said: “I feel like I could walk out of here today.”
  • President Trump and the First Lady Melania Trump are certainly not the only ones who have tested positive for COVID-19. The growing list of positive COVID-19 cases includes Trump’s Campaign Manager Bill Stepien, Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee Ronna McDaniel, Senior White House Counselor Hope Hicks, followed by President Trump’s former Senior White House Counselor KellyAnne Conway.
  • The growing COVID-19 cases also include U.S Senator Thom Tillis, Republican from North Carolina, U.S. Senator Mike Lee, Republican from Utah, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, Former NJ Governor Chris Christie, John Jenkins, President of the University of Notre Dame, three journalists from the White House press corps, according to White House associations and a White House press staffer, according to the correspondent’s association.

We wish a full and healthy recovery for everyone who is or has been affected by the COVID19 pandemic.