Jay Z Appoints First Black Executive Producer of Super Bowl Halftime Show

Jesse Collins. (Image via NFL.com)

Often referred to as the biggest concert of the year, the Super Bowl halftime show always has something in store for all football and non-football fans alike. Jay-Z has selected Jesse Collins to EP The Pepsi Super Bowl LV Halftime Show next year. This marks Collins as the show’s first-ever Black executive producer in NFL history.

What We Know:

  • The Emmy-nominated producer will reportedly be accompanied by another award-winning director, Hamish Hamilton, to create the next performance for the halftime show of the biggest sporting event of the year. Super Bowl LV will take place on February 7th, 2021 in Tampa, Florida.
  • Jay-Z justified his pick of Jesse Collins in a statement by saying how he is both a creative and innovative and is one of the few executive producers with a vision that makes him a true artist. “Jesse’s insight and understanding create both extraordinary shows and true cultural moments. After working with Jesse for so many years, I look forward to all there is to come,” he said.
  • According to the press release, “A major component of the partnership will be to nurture and strengthen community through football and music, including through the NFL’s Inspire Change initiative.” Roc Nation will be the ones looking over the selection of any artists that will perform for the upcoming halftime show, as they do for all NFL performances such as the Super Bowl.
  • As far as his partnership with the NFL is concerned, Jay-Z has stated that with “its global reach, the National Football League has the platform and opportunity to inspire change across the country”.

He continued by explaining that “Roc Nation has shown that entertainment and enacting change are not mutually exclusive ideas — instead, we unify them.”

  • Collins is known for his work as a producer on various award shows such as the Grammy Awards, BET Hip Hop Awards, and Soul Train Awards. Most recently, he was one of the people that helped create a special honoring John Lewis on CBS, John Lewis: Celebrating A Hero, which aired shortly after the death of the renowned civil rights leader and politician.
  • Collins humbly spoke on the opportunity he was given to produce the upcoming halftime show by saying that it’s “an honor to be a part of such an iconic show at such an important time in our history”. He also thanked Jay-z, Desiree Perez, the entire Roc Nation family and the NFL for the chance.
  • In addition to this, the NFL’s Chief Media and Business Officer Brian Rolapp added to the news by showing how excited they are in having Jesse Collins collaborating with Roc Nation to executive produce the halftime show. “We look forward to our fans experiencing a memorable performance as part of the culmination of our 101st season,” he said.

Last year’s halftime show was met with a little heat thanks to Jay-Z’s pick of Jennifer Lopez and Shakira at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens. Rap Legend Luther Campbell, also known as Uncle Luke, accused Jay Z and the NFL letting down Miami’s music industry by hiring Miami-based acts in their own city.