FDA willing to fast-track COVID-19 vaccine

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is considering fast-tracking the COVID-19 vaccine before customary phase three clinical trials.

What We Know:

  • Stephen Hahn, the commissioner of the FDA, says he is willing to consider granting emergency authorization to fast track the COVID-19 vaccine trials according to Financial Times. This would mean bypassing the customary vaccine approval process.
  • Commissioner Stephen Hahn believes that so long as the “benefits outweigh the risks” the federal agency will be more likely to expedite the process. Hahn, a regular GOP donor, has emphasized that the emergency measures have no correlation to pleasing the president.

“This is going to be a science, medicine, data decision. This is not going to be a political decision.”

Stephen Hahn (FDA commissioner)

  • Both China and Russia have approved vaccines before reaching phase three trials. Despite this, many American public officials have criticized this effort deeming it dangerous and unsafe.
  • According to Stephen Hahn, the expedited vaccine will only be released if the vaccine developer approves it. Even so, there will be much deliberation after considering all ramifications as the decision will be one of the most important in U.S. public health history.

The Food and Drug Administration commissioner continues to stay in the public eye as the decision to disregard phase three trials looms over concerned American citizens.