Teen Charged With $2500 Bill From Town Over BLM Protest

A teen who created a Black Lives Matter protest in her New Jersey town says she has now been issued a bill for police overtime.

What We Know:

  • According to NJ Advance Media, on Friday, 18-year-old Emily Gil of Englewood Cliffs received a letter looking for payment of $2,499.26 after she organized the protest on July 25.
  • The town’s letter stated Gil did not meet with officials prior to her protest. Thus, forcing them to come up with a security plan of action quickly.
  • Gil stated she did not meet with officials in person due to concerns about the coronavirus. She did make the suggestion to meet via Zoom, but that was never accepted. Then, officials simply stopped responding.
  • According to The Bergen County Freeholders, they were shocked to hear that the 18-year-old was charged $2,500 by town officials for creating a peaceful demonstration in supporting the inclusion in the municipality.
  • The statement by the Freeholders went onto say that it creates a dangerous model or example when municipalities undermine or weaken free speech by appraising it at such a high price tag. Although permits are necessary due to some reasons, this bill is a vast out slick by the borough in general, and Mayor Mario Kranjac specifically. Englewood Cliffs should immediately revoke this heavy and burdensome charge.
  • Gil stated that only 30 to 40 people showed up to the BLM protest, no disturbances were made, and everyone picked up their trash. In an email, Gil opposed the overtime bill to Englewood Cliffs Police Chief William Henkelman.
  • The statement also gives mention to that Gil tried to get the permit and was ignored. The Englewood Cliffs Democratic Council members stated they would pursue to cancel the bill and are calling on Mayor Kranjac to give a public apology.
  • Fortunately for the teen, Kranjac rescinded the $2,500 overtime police bill as of Sunday, August 30rd.

Englewood Cliffs Democrats stated, that after creating a public indignation against the mayor’s “tyrannical, blatantly unconstitutional and deeply immoral behavior”.