Man With Knife Taped to Stick Slashes Teen in Times Square

A teenager was gashed in the face in Times Square on Friday by a man riding a bicycle with a homemade spear, advised police on Saturday.

What We Know:

  • According to the police, the 15-year-old victim was assaulted near West 42nd Street and Seventh Avenue around 6:10pm. He was quickly taken to a Bellevue Hospital with a three-quarters-inch slit on his forehead after the traumatic encounter. At this time, no apparent reason for the assault has been mentioned.
  • Roland Pacheco, 52, who was wearing shorts, a black colored headband, and high black socks, had assaulted the teen boy as he was outside with his family.
  • Police officers stated that Pacheco’s weapon was a broomstick with a pocketknife taped to one end, and he apparently was using the weapon to make holes in the tires of cars and bikes on Seventh Avenue.
  • Youssef Mohamad, a hot dog vendor who was able to see the after effects of the attack, stated that there was tons of blood on the teen’s forehead. Mohamad gave him some napkins, ice, and water until the ambulance and police officers were able to arrive at the scene.
  • Witnesses quickly helped the police by pointing out the suspect. He was arrested following a crazy, spear-versus-taser fight right in the center of Times Square.
  • Witnesses also stated that the man would not listen or follow police orders. He was seen waving his weapon at the cops and everybody who was witnessing it.
  • After being tackled by police officers, Pacheco was taken into custody and transported to a hospital for a psychological evaluation, police said.

Pacheco is now being charged with assault, criminal possession of a weapon, and menacing.