Kenosha Police Chief Blames Protesters for Their Own Deaths Because They Were ‘Out After Curfew’

Police Chief Daniel Miskinis speaks at a news conference on August 26, 2020, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. (Brandon Bell / Getty Images)

After nights of relentless protests and chaos in Kenosha, Wisconsin following the shooting of Jacob Blake, the police chief of the city essentially blamed protesters for their injuries and death.

What We Know:

  • Chief Daniel Miskinis told reporters, “everybody involved was out after the curfew,” when he was asked about the two killed and one injured. The one responsible was 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who allegedly was a part of a vigilante militia group who wanted to protect the public property of Kenosha.
  • His most notable remark was implying that the bloodbath only occurred because residents disobeyed the imposed state-of-emergency curfew. “The point is, the curfew is in place to protect…..perhaps the situation that unfolded would not have happened,” he said.
  • The viral video of the incident showed law enforcement closing in on protesters and approaching the nearby armed militia just minutes before the shooting broke out.
  • Miskinis promised to seek and detain anyone who ignored the city-wide curfew. According to Kenosha News, there were reports of officers, including some in plainclothes and unmarked cars, who started “yanking protesters” off the street on Wednesday.

  • Aside from the shooting, the majority of that evening’s protesting were mostly peaceful protests. Police stated that the heavily armed militia did deliver on their promise of helping to protect public property from destruction by warding off arsonists for various buildings.

The third night of looting and unrest came to a close when Rittenhouse shot at protesters after being confronted. The teen was tracked down back to his hometown across the state line in Illinois and has since been charged with first-degree intentional homicide.