Christian Leaders Call On Believers To Take Science Seriously

Following alarming testimonies of Christian followers undermining COVID-19 and refuting advice from health experts, a group of prominent Christian leaders are emphasizing the science behind the global pandemic.

What We Know:

  • In A Christian Statement on Science for Pandemic Times, various leaders in faith and science have publicly endorsed the statement that calls for believers to take COVID-19 seriously. The statement mentions that through faith in Jesus Christ, followers will wear masks, correct misinformation, work for justice, and get vaccinated.
  • 76 Christian doctors, theologians, pastors, and scientists emphasized the importance of science. The statement recognized the historical antithesis between religion and science in hopes to dismantle this widespread belief.

“We are deeply concerned about the polarization and politicization of science in the public square when so many lives are at stake. The word “science” has become a weapon in the culture wars.”

– A Christian Statement on Science for Pandemic Times

  • Many leaders believe that the restrictions during the pandemic are a violation of religious liberties. Popular religious leaders like John Piper reportedly declared “God sometimes uses disease to bring particular judgments upon those who reject him and give themselves over to sin” according to The Atlantic. The Associated Press collected data conveying one in five Americans attribute COVID-19 to “human sinfulness” rather than science.
  • Over 4000 believers all around the world have signed the statement made by BioLogos. The BioLogos Foundation’s overall mission is to “[invite] the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith as we present an evolutionary understanding of God’s creation”. The foundation was created in 2009 by Francis Collins, a biologist, who led the Human Genome Project and went on to direct the National Institutes of Health.

The signers come from various theological convictions but nonetheless continue to warn all Christian followers to respect the scientific evidence behind COVID-19.