Rapper Common Launches Wellness YouTube Channel

Rapper and actor Common recently launched his newest project, a health and wellness series called Com+Well, streaming on YouTube.

What We Know:

  • The six-episode series premiered on August 18th and is hosted by Common himself. The series is filmed in his home using Skype, Zoom, and YouTube as he shares live conversations with his personal health and wellness teams who he says have helped guide him on his journey to improve his wellness lifestyle over the last few years.

  • Each episode features Common demonstrating some of his health and wellness practices such as workouts, gardening in his backyard, a challenging Live Ride on his Peleton, and cooking. He also hosts guests throughout the series including lifestyle influencer Grace Harry, life coach Yancy Berry, and urban gardener, Ron Finley.
  • Common explained that he decided to create Com+Well to share all the self-care knowledge and tools he has access to and live by, within his community. “I believe deeply that the more at peace you are with yourself, the more love and compassion you are able to put out into the world,” Common said. “Now more than ever the world needs love and mindfulness towards one another. The black community needs love, the brown community needs love. Really, we all need it.”
  • The first episode is currently live on the channel, where Common starts by providing background for the series and himself for any viewers not familiar with his previous work as a rapper, actor, or author. The first episode also includes a kitchen tour, with Common sharing a deep dive of what usually is and isn’t in the refrigerator. The rapper also “reveals a secret” to his viewers, saying that he cannot cook despite his love for food, so he hires a chef to prepare his meals when he isn’t drinking green juice, a drink he calls “essential” and “liquid energy”.

You can watch the premiere episode of Common’s new series here.