Spelman College Receives $10 Million Gift from Klarman Family

Graduates of Spelman College during commencement ceremonies on May 19, 2002. (Erik S. Lesser/Getty Images)

Longtime supporters of Spelman College, Seth and Beth Klarman, have once again graced Spelman College with a new gift of $10 million for the higher education institution. The benevolent funding will help support those students in need of financial support and keep many scholarships afloat.

What We Know:

  • The Klarmans have been known to be generous donors to the school since 2015 and have reportedly committed over $16 million to Spelman. This money has been used to give hundreds of students the opportunity to succeed in their academic careers and take advantage of the institution’s illustrious reputation and get a competitive edge over others.

  • Both Seth and Beth stated “Spelman is an extraordinary educational institution. We hope our support ensures that exceptional young women have the opportunity to attend and graduate from Spelman, and go on to have rewarding and fulfilling careers.”
  • The couple believes Spelman students are natural-born leaders ready to excel in anything from activism, having a strong voice, and the ability to strike positive change in America.

Mary Schmidt Campbell, Ph.D., president of Spelman, spoke on behave of the couple’s gift by saying “their commitment to Spelman has been built over a long period of time. They have taken the time and care to know the College well”.

  • In addition, Campbell noted that the couple themselves have even visited classes and often engaged with both students and faculty. They strive to understand and help Spelman reach their goals. After reviewing financial statistics, they helped the college in providing valuable input and suggestions to help push the school in the right direction.
  • According to the PRNewswire, the Klarman’s first gift in 2015 helped “STEM undergraduate research programs, study abroad programs, and those pursuing careers in forensic psychology, law, pediatric neuroscience, data science, and journalism”. Later in 2018, they gave another $5 million more. Up until this point, these gifts have helped over 400 students meet their financial goals.

Monetary support isn’t the only thing the Klarman’s have enhanced for students. Spelman College has also benefited from the couple’s help in introducing partnerships with the Broad Institute and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). These partnerships have boosted the College’s educational and research programs, while undoubtedly giving excellent experience to both Spelman students and faculty.