House Ramps Up Investigation on USPS, Plans to Call Postmaster General to Testify

On Sunday, U.S. Democrats made efforts towards the cost-cutting campaign by President Donald Trump’s appointed postmaster general. This has instilled fears regarding mail-in ballots ahead of the November election.

What We Know:

  • Top Democrats in Congress called General Louis DeJoy and another top postal official to testify at a hearing in regards to a wave of cuts that has slowed down the mail delivery around the U.S. This alarmed lawmakers ahead of the Nov 3. election when half of the voters in the U.S. could cast their ballot through the mail.
  • There were at least 6 Democratic state attorney generals who discussed the legal means they could potentially try in order to stop Postal Service changes that could affect the outcome of the election.
  • Congressional Democrats invited Postmaster General Louis Dejoy to testify on August. 24  hearing of the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform.

“The President has explicitly stated his intention to manipulate the Postal Service to deny eligible voters access to the ballot in pursuit of his own re-election,” Democrats including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Oversight Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney said in a joint statement.

  • They continued stating that the Postmaster General and top Postal Service leadership have a duty to answer Congress and the American people regarding their push of dangerous policies that “threaten to silence the voices of millions, just months before the election.”
  • Democrats have accused President Donald Trump of trying to disable the cash-strapped Postal Service to suppress mail-in voting.

On Thursday, Trump stated that he held up had talks with Congress regarding a fresh round of coronavirus stimulus funding to block Democrats from providing more funds for mail-in voting and election infrastructure.