Biden Campaign Raises $26M in 24 Hours After Harris VP Announcement

Biden Campaign Raises $26M in 24 Hours After Harris VP Announcement

In a mere 24 hours after Kamala Harris was named Joe Biden’s running mate for this election, his campaign raised a record $26 million. This doubles the previous one-day record increase and is starting to raise strong enthusiasm for the first Black woman running for VP of a major party.

What We Know:

  • This massive surge in funds in such a short period of time, along with the campaigns growing favorability, will likely help the Democratic Party catch up with the impressive numbers the Republican campaign has been boasting. Should this fundraising trend continue prior to Election Day, it would be very feasible for Democrats to match or exceed the $300 million Republicans reported in July.
  • In order for that to happen, Harris will need to continue playing a key role. Both Biden and Harris held their first fundraiser in Delaware on Wednesday, where she talked to the audience about her parents’ activism, and eventual dive into politics. With the COVID-19 pandemic at full swing, the campaign has plenty of online fundraisers planned for Harris, something Biden struggled with at times.
  • According to the Associated Press, Harris reportedly has a strong network of reliable funds in her home state of California, a state known for its financial support to the Democratic Party. She will also benefit from money from Wall Street and take advantage of her historical selection, due to her African American and Indian-American descent.
  • Swadesh Chatterjee, a businessman from North Carolina who’s also known for donating to candidates, said that “to have someone on the ticket whose mother is from the south of India is a dream come true”.

“You will see more fundraising from the Indian American community,” he stated.

  • The Democratic nomination swung back and forth, as a result of Biden’s unsuccessful attempts at fundraising. Despite being a longtime senator from Delaware, a generally solid Democrat state, he was never able to establish the type of network Harris has at this point.
  • Although Biden secured solid victories on Super Tuesday back in March, he campaign suffered financially. It wasn’t until he obtained the Democratic nomination that his campaign received a boost and with Harris at his side, it seems more income is yet to come.

Ironically, Harris dropped out of the Democratic primary last year, due to lack of fundraising. After she held a call with her team in Iowa in November of last year, she confirmed that the decision was, in fact, because the campaign was facing financial struggles.