NJ Woman, Who Broke Elderly Woman’s Leg Over Mask Request, Arrested

A 25-year-old New Jersey woman was arrested after assaulting and breaking an elderly woman’s leg. 

What We Know:

  • In Hackensack, New Jersey, 25-year-old Terri Thomas was arrested after attacking an elderly woman with a cane at a Staples. The violent encounter was captured on surveillance camera and although there wasn’t audio, an altercation was evident. 

  • In the video, the elderly woman, Margot Kagan, 54, was using a copy machine and Thomas was leaving the machine next to Kagan. Kagan turns around to say something to Thomas, who turns back around and angrily approaches Kagan pointing her finger. Kagan uses her cane for protection and points it at Thomas’ chest but Thomas gets a hold of Kagan and throws her to the ground like a rag doll, breaking her leg. 
  • “The suspect became angry and yelled at the victim, who picked up her walking cane and pointed it directly at the suspect, coming within inches of the suspect’s chest,” Capt. Darrin DeWitt from the Hackensack Police Department said. “The woman yelled at Kagan, violently threw her to the ground, and left the store.” 
  • From her hospital bed, Kagan insisted to the local media that she only told Thomas that she “should really put a mask on”. “The woman on one side of the plastic dividers had a mask, but here, below her mouth,” Kagan said. 
  • Not only did Kagan suffer a broken leg, but she also fractured her left tibia and recently she had a liver transplant. 

There’s a GoFundMe for Kagan to help with medical expenses and over $4,000 has been raised. The campaign says, “Ms. Kagan has school-aged children in the district. We are hoping to raise money to help with any of her medical bills associated with this, and any additional help the Kagan family may need during this very difficult time.”