McDonald’s Files Suit Against Former CEO

The multi-billion dollar fast-food chain is suing its former CEO after alleging he lied during the company’s investigation into his personal behavior, NBC News reports.

What We Know:

  • Steve Easterbrook was fired as McDonald’s CEO in November of 2019 after having a consensual relationship with an employee. “I engaged in a recent consensual relationship with an employee, which violated McDonald’s policy. This was a mistake. Given the values of the company, I agree with the board that it is time for me to move on. Beyond this, I hope you can respect my desire to maintain my privacy,” Easterbrook wrote in a company-wide email following his termination.
  • McDonald’s is now filing a lawsuit against the former boss after learning new information about his actions.
  • An SEC filing shows that after a new probe, Easterbrook destroyed information that included three more relationships with McDonald’s employees during his tenure as CEO. The investigation found sexually explicit photographs and videos from women, some of which were McDonald’s employees, sent from Easterbrook’s corporate email to his personal email. He deleted the content from his corporate account and device and they were not found in the company’s original investigation that resulted in his termination in November.
  • The company is suing Easterbrook in Delaware state court to take back an unidentified piece of the compensation and severance package he received after his firing. The deal gave Mr. Easterbrook $700,000 in severance, which when combined with equity rewards came out a $17.4 million payout. McDonald’s has also moved to block him from selling his stock in the company as the lawsuit plays out.

Easterbrook’s successor and current McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski expressed his disdain for his predecessor’s actions in a message to the company Monday. “McDonald’s does not tolerate behavior from any employee that does not reflect our values.”