Governor Kemp Signed A Bill That Allows Stores to Deliver Beer, Wine, and Liquor to Homes in Georgia

On Monday, Governor Kemp signed the HB879 bill allowing home delivery of beer, wine, and liquor in Georgia.

What We Know:

  • The HB879 bill has been in progress since before the pandemic, which allows beer, wine, and liquor to be delivered straight to people’s homes from bars, restaurants, convenience stores, and grocery stores who are 21 and older with a proper ID.
  • During the pandemic, establishments and restaurants were authorized to allow customers to do to-go alcoholic beverages. In the past, it was illegal to sell alcoholic beverages on Sundays, but that has changed since then. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the culture of delivery businesses and has created a larger delivery demand.
  • On Tuesday, the Georgia state Senate approved HB879, with a 42 to 9 vote. A version of this bill was introduced and passed the state House in March, but was suspended in the legislative session for over two months due to the pandemic.
  • Before the new law is available to the public, The Department of Revenue will have to draw up home delivery guidelines. This bill is predicted to bring traffic to many businesses on a large scale.

The bill also leaves the decision to allow home delivery up to local courthouse. It could take several months before businesses and people can utilize the new delivery feature.