U.S. Needs to Get Daily Cases Down to 10,000 Before Fall, Fauci Says

The country’s top disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, urged on Monday that the U.S. “could be in a really bad situation” if COVID-19 cases do not drop to 10,000 before Fall.

What We Know:

  • Fauci stated that he is establishing that number based on the expected upcoming flu season in the Fall as well as the arrival of cold weather, which will likely push more people indoors, where according to health experts, COVID-19 spreads more easily.
  • According to New York Times Media, the U.S. is seeing a spike of 50,000 to 70,000 new COVID-19 cases that are known per day, with a seven-day average of about 61,815. Though some have concerns about a second wave moving in, Fauci advised that “we are still in the middle of the first wave”.

  • Fauci made a statement that the coronavirus follows a pattern, as seen in the Southern and Western states weeks ago. He said the percentage of positive tests increases first and then the number of cases.

“You may need to pause. You may need to drop back a little bit,” he advised states experiencing the spikes, so the U.S. can reduce the number of cases. “I don’t think you necessarily have to revert to going all the way back to closing.”

  • Information data from John Hopkins University stated that the U.S. has established more than 4.6 million cases over the country, leading to at least 155,196 deaths.
  • Schools are still debating on reopening during this pandemic. However, Dr. Fauci has warned that children may even get coronavirus and spread COVID-19. He has also recommended showing consistency in regards to the following protocols of hand-washing, wearing proper face mask, and social distancing.

Cases are highly spiking in many states across the South, Midwest, and Southeast.