U.S. Records New COVID-19 Death Every Minute

The United States continues to lead Coronavirus cases in the world with over 4,000,000 cases and 150,000 deaths. According to a shocking statistic by Global News, “One person in the United States died about every minute from COVID-19 on Wednesday…”

What We Know:

  • California, Texas, and Florida lead the nation in most confirmed cases with over 400,000 cases in each state; ultimately, rising at the fastest rate thus far since the beginnings of the virus earlier this year.
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a prominent voice during the pandemic, will testify alongside other health experts before a house subcommittee regarding U.S. response to Coronavirus.
  • The house subcommittee will continue to investigate the United State’s response to the virus and ensure taxpayer dollars are allocated properly to prevent any wastage or fraud. The subcommittee consists of Chairman James E. Clyburn and various other distinguished, democratic members appointed by Nancy Pelosi.
  • On a panel last Friday, Fauci expressed optimism that a vaccine will be available. However, Fauci and other health experts continue to warn against large gatherings and emphasized the importance of masks and proper testing.
  • Vice President Mike Pence, who is over the Coronavirus Response Team, recently argued the United States response to the pandemic. In a public briefing Pence announced, “We slowed the spread, we flattened the curve, we saved lives.” Although, many subcommittee members and health professionals would surely disagree.
  • As numbers continue to rise, many health professionals and American citizens alike believe the U.S. missed their chance. Dr. Anthony Fauci recently announced at a Coronavirus Town Hall in response to the lack of widespread testing, “If we don’t, then we can’t make a prediction about how long this will last”.

The United States is the leading nation in cases and deaths in the entire world with Brazil coming in second and India closely behind. The uncertainty and lack of any concrete plan by the United States government continues to spread not only cases but fear around the nation.