Houses Votes to Create the First National Museum of the American Latino

A legislation fight, that has been happening ever since 2011, was partially successful this Monday when the House of Representatives passed a bill to establish the first National Museum of the American Latino.

What We Know:

  • Latinos have a long history throughout the United States and their latest fight to build the 310,000-square-foot building at the National Mall, will be dedicated to the Latino history, contributions and culture they have established throughout the decades.
  • The idea for the museum within the  Smithsonian was born in the mid 1990s when a task force said the Smithsonian had largely ignored Latinos in its exhibitions and should create at least one museum to correct that imbalance, according to a report from the New York Times.
  • The battle to be build the museum has been about budget pressures and a recommendation for focusing on improving the ones that they already have. However, President Donald Trump’s criticism on the Latino community, his ‘Build a Wall’ proposal around the Mexican border and his efforts to stop immigration coming from central and South America, led Latino activists, artists, and legislators to work harder to get the House to pass a bill to build the museum.
  • Nevertheless, the Senate approval is still unclear, but its bipartisan support from both parties will help out the process.
  • The museum’s road to reality might take long, as was the case of the Museum of African American History and Culture when its creation was passed in 2003 and its grand opening was in 2016.

This is an important creation for the American Latino. It’s a representation to their history, heritage and culture it’s important for the United States history.