Trump Joins Attacks Against Liz Cheney

Representative Liz Cheney (GOP) has been under attack from fellow party members in the House for quite some time now. As of Thursday, these attacks now include President Donald Trump.

What We Know:

  • On Thursday, President Trump tweeted, “Liz Cheney is only upset because I have been actively getting our great and beautiful Country out of the ridiculous and costly Endless Wars. I am also making our so-called allies pay tens of billions of dollars in delinquent military costs. They must, at least, treat us fairly!!!” These statements are believed to be in response to Cheney’s disagreement with the President in regard to military engagement overseas.
  • Cheney responded to Trump’s tweet in a CNN interview, stating, “It’s no surprise the President and I have some disagreements on foreign policy. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I have no more important duty than providing for the defense of the nation, and I will continue to speak out on these issues.”
  • Cheney’s perceived stance against the president did not start with the military and, according to her, will not end on the topic. The Wyoming Representative has publicly shown her support for Dr. Andrew Fauci, a leading expert on the Coronavirus who has been repeatedly criticized by White House staffers and, allegedly, the president himself. President Trump claims to have “a very good relationship” with the expert.

  • Other House Republicans have revealed grievances with Rep. Cheney, including Rep. Matt Gaetz, who tweeted, “Liz Cheney has worked behind the scenes (and now in public) against @realDonaldTrump and his agenda. House Republicans deserve better as our Conference Chair. Liz Cheney should step down or be removed. #MAGA”. This came after Cheney went against the president on pulling military troops from overseas, publicly supported Dr.Fauci, and financially supported a primary challenger to GOP Thomas Massie. The tweet was retweeted by Donald Trump Jr. who boldly added, “We already have one Mitt Romney, we don’t need another… we also don’t need the endless wars she advocates for”. To which Rep. Cheney responded, “Donald Trump Jr. is not a member of the House Republican Conference. I take my position in leadership very seriously.”
  • During a conference meeting on Tuesday, GOP members including Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio, Matt Gaetz of Florida, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Chip Roy of Texas, Andy Biggs of Arizona, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, and Ralph Norman of South Carolina attacked Cheney for splitting from the president on a myriad of issues over the past few months. Senator Rand Paul sided with the House Republicans in an interview Wednesday, stating, “I don’t think she’s good for the country,” and accusing her of consistently trying to sabotage Trump’s foreign policy plans. Cheney has defended herself from the claims, stating that she is more times than not with the president on the issues of the nation. House GOP Leader, Kevin McCarthy, has expressed his support for Cheney, saying, “We’re honored to have her as conference chair and she does an amazing job”.
  • The grievances have sparked debates regarding the post-Trump era of the Republican party, with some believing there is no place for representatives such as Cheney that publicly go against the president. This “pro-trump or anti-republican” battle has created two very extreme sides and a clear divide amongst the party. It appears that Cheney has broken the “public support or silence” rule, where if one does not support President Trump and his efforts, they should remain publicly silent.

This divide within the Republican party has called into question what exactly the GOP will look like after Donald Trump’s time as President.