Kanye West Fails to Submit Petition Signatures to be Listed on South Carolina’s Presidential Ballot in November

Kanye West

If Kanye West can win 21 Grammys, can’t he get on the South Carolina’s 2020 presidential ballot? The answer, no. Rapper Kanye West failed to submit his 10,000 petition signatures by Monday at noon.

What We Know:

  • Kanye West will not be on South Carolina’s 2020 presidential ballot because he failed to submit his 10,000 petition signatures by Monday’s noon deadline. According to South Carolina Election Commission spokesperson Chris Whitmire, when the deadline passed, neither West nor any representative from his campaign submitted the petition to S.C. Election Commission.
  • Since he missed Monday’s deadline, West won’t be able to run as a candidate under the “Birthday Party,” a new political party West introduced on July 4 when he announced he was running for president. He chose “Birthday Party” because “when we win, it’s everybody’s birthday,” and his campaign slogan is “YES.” For West to remain on the state’s ballot, he would need to receive a presidential nomination of one of the ten certified political parties in South Carolina.
  • Kanye West received his signatures on Saturday in South Carolina by tweeting the locations where his supporters’ signatures would be collected. And the day after, West held a rally in North Charleston at a wedding venue and convention center where his meltdown about his wife’s almost abortion with their first child and how his dad wanted to abort him went viral. Another viral video captures West and his notorious statement about Harriet Tubman not actually freeing the slaves but having the slaves work for other whites.


  • According to TMZ, West just beat the 5 p.m. filing deadline in Illinois, his home state, to file as an independent candidate. This means that he is still eligible to tally votes for president as long as the 2,500 required signatures he collected from citizens of Illinois are real. However, historically the state is known to vote primarily democrat.

West missed many deadlines to qualify for the ballots in Florida, New York, Texas, Indiana, Michigan, New Mexico, and North Carolina. But he still has a chance in the remaining states.