Mississippi Teachers Rally at State Capitol for Delayed Reopening of Schools

The “Mississippi Teachers Unite” held a rally at the State Capitol on Friday with an objective to postpone the reopening of schools until September 1st to ensure that students, teachers, faculty, and staff are safe amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

What We Know:

  • Mississippi has a “local rule” authority. This rule ceases the state board from issuing a policy on how to start school back.
  • According to WAPT, Mississippi Professional Educators is asking the State Board to lobby congressional delegation to support any federal legislation to offset the added costs of local districts. They are also trying to get state assessments and accountability requirements for students waived.
  • Teachers from across Mississippi expressed deep concerns rooted in the return to school. “MDE must postpone a dangerous reopening until at least September 1 to ensure a safe school environment,” one teacher stated from the letter that is to be sent to Reeves.
  • “I want to see my students more than anything but I want them to be alive more than anything,” stated Alex Melnick, Leland school teacher. “And as people said before, we can’t teach that students. I can’t show up to work if I’m dead.”
  • Not only is the virus an underlying concern for the teachers, but the resources are scarce in certain areas. “We usually have running water,” said Jackson Public School librarian Cat Chambers. “We never have soap and rarely have paper towels. So, I don’t really see how this is going to happen. The supplies that I have I’m going to have to buy for myself.”
  • Some parents also voiced their concerns about their children returning back to school. “I want my kids to get an education but if this is going to destroy it then I ask they do what they need to do,” explained mother Yolanda Jackson. “If it can’t be September 1… Guess what? It needs to open up once this virus is gone.”

Governor Reeves says he had a meeting with the State Superintendent and chairman of the State Board of Education and they’re all in agreement that a return to school can and will be done safely.