Online Retailer Shein Under Fire for Selling Swastika Pendant

A popular online retailer Shein is under fire for selling swastika necklaces on their website. The online retailer has issued an apology for their actions and naming it as a “gigantic mistake” and regretting their decision for promoting anti-Semitism.

What We Know:

  • According to reports on CBS News, this is not the first time Shein has apologized for their product listings. The first product that was been pulled out of their website was “praying mats” that offended the Muslim culture. The same week, Shein posted the product referring to the Swastika which was used as a symbol for the genocides that occurred in Germany.

  • Many issued the hashtag #BoycottShein via Twitter with the following comments:

  • Shein has issued an apology via Instagram stating that they have made a “gigantic mistake by selling a product that’s hurtful” but that their intentions were not to promote the swastika but for a Buddhist symbol that stood for “spirituality and good fortune and has a different design than the Nazi swastika”.
  • According to the apology on Instagram, Shein has established a committee to review products to ensure that the “misunderstanding” does not happen again. Many Twitter and Instagram followers have stated the following:

This is ACTIVELY THREATENING to the Jewish community. Do NOT let Shein get away with this

STOP SHOPPING AT SHEIN. Not only do they use child labor and fast fashion, they are literally selling a SWASTIKA NECKLACE. Please speak up about this

  • However, existing customers of Shein came out with their own opinions stating that the reason people are outraged is due to the “lack of knowledge”.

Shein has only responded via Instagram and Twitter regarding the issue and has promised its customers on becoming more knowledgeable of other cultures and religions as well as not promoting it as a fashion accessory. This is one of the many companies that have been under fire due to racial and discriminatory remarks to the community.