Kanye & Travis Scott Release New Song “Wash Us In The Blood”

Kanye West and Travis Scott teamed up to release their new highly controversial song “Wash Us In The Blood”. The song has seen large media coverage due to the many graphic images showcased throughout the music video.

What We Know:

  • “Wash Us In the Blood” released at number one on Billboard’s Spiritual Chart.
  • Arthur Jafa, who was tasked with directing the video, is know for his controversial videos as he as worked for numerous other celebrities such as Spike Lee.
  • The music video has seen plenty of media coverage as two very prominent BLM figures can be seen during the video.
  • The music video showcases the final moments of Ahmaud Arbery’s life captured on camera right before he was shot and killed in Savannah, Georgia.
  • EMT worker Breonna Taylor is also shown in the video, who was killed by a Louisville Police officer as a no knock warrant was preformed at her residence.

  • Kanye West also name drops himself during the song where he claims they want the ‘CalmYe’. This reference is believed to involve his often critical decision making and habits of being controversial. Kanye West has a well-know past of making statements that don’t align with the majorities views.
  • The video, although criticized about the images of minorities showing symptoms of COVID-19, painted many realities for minority citizens in the U.S. The video emphasized the economic and social disparities minorities endure in the U.S, especially when it comes to contracting this current plague of COVID-19 rushing across America.
  • While people criticized the images of the fallen African-Americans who have lost their life’s over the past two years, the video remains a statement in the BLM community.

Kanye and Travis Scott seem to have made this song to vocalize what they have seen across the country in the past months. Kanye’s lyrics of faith and freedom echo across the track questioning if minorities will ever have true freedom. The video alone shows that the duo is not okay with the current state of America and want to see a change.