St Louis Lawyers aim their guns at Black Lives Matter Protesters

A white couple from a lavish neighborhood in Missouri has gone viral for wielding their guns at peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters on Sunday.

What We Know: 

  • A white St. Louis, Missouri couple was caught on video pointing their guns at Black Lives Matter protesters from the front lawn of their up-scale mansion in Forest Park on Sunday who was on their way to the mayor’s house.
  • The video shows the barefoot couple standing on their front lawn yelling at the protesters, the man holding a semi-automatic rifle, the woman a silver handgun. In the video, it does not appear that the protesters were trespassing onto their property or that anyone was approaching the couple for their guns to be blatantly drawn.

  • The gun-wielding couple has been identified as Mark McCloskey, 63, and Patricia McCloskey, 61, who work together as personal injury trial lawyers. In one of the videos, Mrs. McCloskey, walks towards the protesters and stumbles with her gun aimed at the protesters.
  • “The only thing that stopped the crowd was my rifle,” Mr. McCloskey said.
  • The protesters are heard banging drums and chanting, “let’s go”. Mr. McClosky is yelling, “private property”. No one appears to be advancing past the public sidewalk.

  • The confrontation happened when a group of BLM protesters marched towards St. Louis mayor Lyda Krewson’s house. Hundreds of protesters were marching to Krewson’s house to demand she resign for reading the names and addresses of people calling for police reform on a Facebook live video. Krewson has issued an apology for releasing the information and has said she would not resign.
  • “It is interesting to me that the very people that are asking the mayor to resign for ‘doxing’ people have now put all of my information all over the web, everywhere in the world,” Mr. McClosky said.
  • Since the video went viral, the McClosky’s claim their law firm is now receiving hundreds of threatening emails and calls per day.

St. Louis Police have not commented about whether an investigation into the incident is ongoing or if the couple could face charges.