Biden Says He would Use Federal Power to Mandate Mask Wearing

Democratic President nominee Joe Biden says if he’s elected in November he will require all Americans to wear face masks while in public settings.

What We Know:

  • Biden says, “Yes, I would—from an executive standpoint, yes, I would . . . I would do everything possible to make it a requirement that people had to wear masks in public,” when asked if he would use “federal leverage” to mandate face masks.
  • There have been 40,000 new cases of COVID-19 as of Thursday which is a record-high for the second day straight. According to the CDC, wearing face masks have been proven to be effective in spreading COVID-19. In some states, wearing face masks have become an issue despite the number of cases rising.
  • President Trump has decided not to wear a face mask in public places. He downplays the importance of them and has dismissed any suggestions of wearing one, for reasons being that he falls within the age category of those who are vulnerable to the virus.
  • Trump believes people don’t wear face masks to prevent the spread of the virus but to show their disapproval of him. He also thinks masks are counterproductive. He says, “They put their finger on the mask, and they take them off, and then they start touching their eyes and touching their nose and their mouth. And then they don’t know how they caught it?” Biden has been critical of how the Trump Administration so handling the virus because “Trump thinks the virus will just go away.” He says it’s the same tactic he when the virus was brought up in January.

In the last two days, California has seen a 69 percent increase in its number of COVID-19 cases and LA County now has the most cases across the United States at 88,500 cases. This news comes as the US recording 34,700 new cases in just one day.