Airlines Ban Alcohol On Planes In Response To COVID-19

Air travel will become a sober experience now that airlines have decided to suspend all or part of their alcoholic drink service.

What We Know:

  • Airlines participating include Easyjet and KLM in Europe, Delta Air Lines and American Airlines in the United States and Asia’s Virgin Australia. They will either suspend all or part of their alcoholic drink service in response to COVID-19. The goal is to minimize the interaction between the crew and the passengers.
  • Face masks have been required to be worn on almost every airline, and the only time they can been taken off is when a passenger is eating or drinking. Many airlines have decided to offer water only onboard.
  • Easyjet resumed domestic travel between the UK and France on June 15. Customers are allowed to bring outside food and beverages onto the planes but the only refreshments that will be offered is water. Within the coming months, food service will be available again. Flights longer than nine hours will allow passengers to receive hot meals.
  • Restroom use will be monitored on the aircrafts and the Virgin Atlantic will issue passengers “Health Packs” which will include a face mask, surface wipes, and hand gel.
  • Delta Airlines will not serve alcohol on domestic flights, but beer, wine, and spirits will be offered on all other international flights. American Airlines will limit its food and drink service in the main cabin according to flight length and destination.

According to CNN travel, if you plan on traveling, be sure to pack water and snacks, keep your face mask on and remember to wash your hands with soap and water.