‘No Criminality’ Found After Three Cops Sickened at Shake Shack

Monday night, three cops were hospitalized after they reportedly drank milkshakes with an “unknown substance” inside their Shake Shack milkshakes in Manhattan.

What We Know:

  • The three cops were assigned to the protest in Manhattan and went into Shake Shake for their break and noticed their shakes had a toxic substance in them after finishing their meals.
  • New York Police department found no criminality as it appears the incident was accidental, it is possible that the “unknown substance” was a result of a cleaning solution that was not properly cleaned out of the machine.
  • The officers were taken to the Bellevue Hospital. They are now stable and have been released.
  • Shake Shack tweeted their concern:

 “We are horrified by the reports of police officers injured at our 200 Broadway Shack in Manhattan. We are working with the police in their investigation right now.” 

The officers initially thought an employee had put the substance in their shakes, but it was deemed an accident as all employees were questioned and shake samples were taken to be lab tested.