George Floyd’s daughter is a Disney shareholder now

Gianna Floyd is now a Disney shareholder. According to her Instagram account, Barbra Streisand gifted her with shares in the company.

What We Know:

  • In her Instagram post, Gianna Floyd can be seen proudly holding her Disney share certificate. She thanked Barbra Streisand in the caption. Streisand also gifted Floyd two of her albums, Color Me Barbra and My Name is Barbra.
  • Several celebrities and organizations have also stepped up to assist the Floyd family. Kanye West started a 529 college plan for Gianna as part of his $2 million donation for the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. Floyd Mayweather helped pay for George Floyd’s funeral and memorial service.
  • Texas Southern University offered Gianna a full scholarship should she attend the university in the future. TSU Foundation Chairman Gerald Smith said “We know the value of an education in the pursuit of solutions and generational progress. We look forward to embracing her into the TSU family”.
  • An official GoFundMe page exists where people can donate money for Gianna. The page has already raised more than $2 million.
  • A viral video with Stephen Jackson, former NBA player and friend of George Floyd, shows Gianna reacting to the impact her father’s death had on the worldwide movement against racism and police brutality. “My daddy changed the world.”

Gianna Floyd’s Instagram account has more than 56,000 followers. She mainly uses the account to promote justice and share photos of her late father.