Trump Moves Main RNC Events to Jacksonville

The Republic National Convention was scheduled to take place on August 27th in Charlotte, North Carolina, but it was announced Thursday that main RNC events, including President Trump’s convention speech, will be moved to Jacksonville, Florida.

What We Know:

  • Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, confirmed on Thursday that Trump will deliver his convention speech at the 15,000-person VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville. McDaniel took to Twitter writing, “not only does Florida hold a special place in President Trump’s heart as his home state, but it is crucial in the path to victory in 2020″.

  • The decision to move main RNC events from Charlotte to Jacksonville was made after weeks-long disagreements between Trump and democratic North Carolina governor Roy Cooper over coronavirus safety precautions at the event. Cooper, whose team was still working to keep the full convention in Charlotte, insisted on social distancing measures and masks inside to protect attendees from the spreading of the coronavirus. Trump rejected those measures, insisting on a full capacity event in a packed indoor arena which would provide the look and feel of a country that had returned to business as usual despite the continuing health crisis.
  • Due to a contract the party signed with the city of Charlotte, they are obligated to hold a portion of the convention in the city. The party announced that official convention business, such as discussions over the platform, will still take place in Charlotte, but Jacksonville has been chosen to “celebrate the renomination of President Donald J. Trump”.

  • By selecting Jacksonville as the site of this major republican event, Trump is investing in a key battleground state that may be critical to the 2020 presidential election. Dean Black, the Republican Chairman of Duval County where Jacksonville is located, told CNN, “this is the single best city in America, in which to host the Republican National Convention, and for several reasons. It’s a battleground county in a battleground state, in a city where you have unified Republican governance”.
  • Republican Florida governor Ron DeSantis actively campaigned for the convention to be moved to his state, saying, “we’ll be able to make those decisions about what precautions need to be taken as you get closer, but to just rule out a convention at this stage, I think, is a mistake”.

RNC officials have yet to say what, if any, coronavirus safety precautions would be put in place, but Austin Cook, North Carolina Democratic Party spokesman said in a statement, “If the President is genuinely delusional enough to think that demanding a full-scale convention is reasonable, then Jacksonville is more than welcome to host his acceptance speech”.