A Male- Karen is Caught on Video Racial Profiling!

A white man has been caught on video racial profiling a group of black entrepreneurs in a Minneapolis gym on Tuesday!

What We Know:

  • A man identified himself in the video as Tom Austin as he questioned the men in the Mozaic East building in Minneapolis.
  • The video was posted by Team Top Figure which is a social media consulting company based in the building where they have been tenants for a year and a half.
  • In the video you can hear Austin say “Im a resident in the building. Are you?” When the group of young black men say yes, he then asks which office. After the young men refused to tell him what office he threatened to call 911.
  • After the incident Austin said, “Yes, I f-up”. Austin stated he observed one of the tenants seemed to have brought 4 friends to the gym and it wasnt fair to the tennats who pay. It looked as though nobody else had a FOB to get into the gym.
  • The group of entrepreneurs stated” We all pay rent here and this man demanded that we show him our key cards or he will call the cops on us. We are sick and tired of tolerating this type of  behavior on a day to day basis and we feel that we had to bring light onto this situation”.
  • Austin also said he was surprised at the backlash because he worked out with the group of men for 45 minutes after he “had already apologized to them for making then feel it was a race issue”.
  • Tom Austin, who is a venture capitalist and managing partner of the F2 Intelligence Group, stated he would have done the same thing regardless of race and told them he would have done the same thing if they were white or even a “bunch a girls who were trespassing”.

With everything that’s going on in modern history, white people have to understand calling the police in a non life threatening encounter with a black individual is a threat to that black life.