Deadleist Memorial Day weekend in Chicago since 2015

This was the deadliest Memorial Day weekend since 2015 for Chicago with 10 people dead and 39 others wounded so far.

What We Know:

  • The Chicago Police Superintendent, David Brown, announced a Summer Moblie Team that will put additional officers on the street every weekend durring the summer months as well as putting officers on administrative duties over to work downtown, on lakefront and on the CTA, during a press conference Tuesday.
  • Superintendent Brown stated the stay-at-home order did little to prevent the violence in the west and south side that were mostly due to rival gangs and disputes involving the sale of illiegal drugs.
  • Even though Chicago’s stay-at-home order is still in place, the Memorial Day weekend death toll surpassed last year’s holiday weekend, when seven people were killed and 34 were injured from Friday through Tuesday.
  • Three teens were among those shot and killed over the weekend. A 15-year-old girl was shot in the leg while standing on a front porch around 5 a.m Monday. In another incident, a 15-year-old boy was shot in the face, chest, and abdomen after a verbal altercation with an unknown driver shortly before 1 a.m.
  • Police have one person in custody in connection with 16-year-old Darnell Fisher who was fatally shot on Saturday in the Washington Park neighborhood.
  • In 2018, seven people died and 30 others were wounded. In 2017, six people were killed and 44 othere were wounded. In 2016, six people were killed and 26 were wounded.
  • 216 guns were recovered by the police and arrested 86 people this weekened alone for gun offenses.

Chicago Police Superintendent, David Brown, hopes his new Summer Mobile Team will have some effect on the gun violence in Chicago especially as the city starts to reopen amid the coronavirus.