Hip-Hop Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Granted Early Release from Prison

Former Detroit Mayor, Kwame M. Kilpatrick has been granted early release and may soon be freed from federal prison to home confinement 21 years earlier next month, according to Detroit Free Press. Kilpatrick, 49, was originally scheduled to be released in the year 2037 after being convicted on 24 counts of public corruption including bribery, racketeering, and fraud.

What We Know:

  • Kilpatrick, who used to wear a diamond stud in his ear, was dubbed the “hip hop mayor”. The EBONY Foundation have been champions of freeing the former disgraced mayor, partnering with several other black leaders to petition for Kilpatrick’s release.
  • The National Baptist Convention of America, the NAACP, the National Business League, and several pastors of Black churches across the country had petitioned President Donald Trump to grant clemency to Kilpatrick.
  • State Rep. Karen Whitsett, D-Detroit, told the Detroit Free Press, that she confirmed with the White House that Kilpatrick is among 3,000 inmates who will be released. Whitsett had previously tested positive for the coronavirus in March and has credited Donald Trump for promoting hydroxychloroquine which she believes saved her life.
  • The former mayor has been housed at Oakdale Federal Correctional Facility. Reports indicate that the center has 42 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and five deaths.

“Known him since he was in high school. When he was teaching at Marcus Garvey and going to law school at night at DCL, he’d study in his father’s office which was next to mine and his twins would play on the floor in my office. He has a lot to contribute and if, in fact, the reports of his early release are true, I’ll be doing anything I can to help him get a fresh start.” – Current Detroit Mayor; Mike Duggan


  • The EBONY Foundation, the national nonprofit arm of EBONY Capital Partners, LLC, has launched the initiative Home by the Holiday to combat mass incarceration by paying bail for people in need, providing them an immediate lifeline and enabling them to return home to their families and communities while awaiting court dates.
  • Millionaire Peter Karmanos pleaded with President Donald Trump to grant Kilpatrick clemency comparing his 28-year sentence to a “lynching”.
  • Whitsett, said Trump told her Thursday that Kilpatrick would be released. He was in Michigan to visit a Ford Motor Co. factory.

His latest appeal for release last fall was denied. He has long sought release from prison or to have his sentence reduced. He has sought clemency from the president, too.