Texas Fast tracks Reopening

Positive coronavirus cases increased by 1,033 in one day, which is the bigest one-day jump in three weeks, yet Texas is still planning to reopen this Friday.

What We Know:

  • Last Friday, restaurants, malls, and movie theaters were allowed to begin reopening at 25% capacity as long as they are following social distancing guidelines.
  • On Tuesday May 5th, the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbot issued an executive order to announce the opening of additional businesses and activities.
  • Texas ranked among the bottom states for COIVD-19 test. As of Tuesday, Texas has more than 33,000 positive COVID-19 cases and more than 900 deaths. Despite this, Texas has bragged about its low case numbers in relation to other heavily impacted states, but concerns continue over the amount of testing.
  • The Governor Abbot assures the testing is going to increase. Since April 20th, more than 220,000 test have been given. During a call with the White House this week, officials said the goal is to test two percent of the population monthly in every state. For Texas, that would be 600,000 Texans per month.
  • According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, as of Wednesday, nearly 439,000 Texans have been tested for COVID-19 with roughly 34,425 positive cases statewide.
  • By May 8th, hair salons, barbershops, nail and tanning salons can reopen as long as they limit the number of people inside and all workers must wear masks.
  • By May 18th, gyms and excersise facilities can reopen at 25% capacity not including employees. They must make sure all equipment is wiped down before and after use and all lockerrooms are still off limits.

Other states are also looking at their options for reopening.