Trump Administration Official Likens MAGA protesters to Rosa Parks

Protesters taking to the streets to complain about coronavirus response measurers by state governments are being compared by one Trump administration official to Rosa Parks.

What We Know:

  • White House adviser, Stephen Moore evoked Rosa Parks, the mother of the movement for civil rights, in voicing his support for the right-wing citizens who gained national attention for their disregard for social distancing mandates and business closures intended to stop the spread of the deadly COVID-19 disease.
  • Moore, who serves on President Donald Trump‘s back-to-work council, reportedly compared the protesters to Parks — the late civil rights icon who helped ignite the Montgomery Bus Boycotts in the 1950s.
  • The Michigan Conservative Coalition organized more than 1,000 protesters who flocked to the state capitol to voice their displeasure for Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-at-home orders, The Guardian reported. Some were armed with weapons and waved MAGA flags in support of Donald Trump. The agitators yelled “recall Whitmer” and “lock her up,” hearkening back to rally cries of Trump’s base in the 2016 election.
  • “I call these people modern-day Rosa Parks. They are protesting against injustice and a loss of liberties,” the Washington Post reported.
  • “So this is a great time, gentlemen and ladies, for civil disobedience,” said Moore. “We need to be the Rosa Parks here, and protest against these government injustices.”
  • He also stated “It’s interesting to me that the right has become more the Rosa Parks of the world than the left is”.
  • Moore is also part of the “Save Our Country” coalition, which features conservative leaders who are also against the government-ordered business shutdowns to stop the contagion from overwhelming hospitals during a global pandemic.

Moore’s controversial statement continues to capture people’s attention.