Michelle Obama Calls on Trump Administration to Make Voting Easier and More Accessible

Michelle Obama wants to make voting easier during the coronavirus pandemic.

What We Know:

  • Michelle Obama and her counterparts are asking the government to funnel resources into early voting to help people avoid long lines because of covid-19.
  • “Americans should never have to choose between making their voices heard and keeping themselves and their families safe,” she said in a statement.
  • She continued by saying “There is nothing partisan about striving to live up to the promise of our country: making the democracy we all cherish more accessible, and protecting our neighbors, friends, and loved ones as they participate in this cornerstone of American life.”
  • Her plea comes just a week after a controversial Wisconsin primary. To adhere to social distancing guidelines, Democrats attempted to postpone the Tuesday election, but were blocked by Republicans.
  • As a result, in Milwaukee, where there are usually 180 polling places available, only five were available, ramping up allegations that the GOP was trying to stifle election turnout.

The former first lady, a co-chair of the organization, said they are long overdue for “critical steps for this moment”.