Coronavirus Coverage: Nearly 800 Dead in NYC, 16.6 million now have filed for unemployment

New York City saw its deadliest day last week recording nearly 800 deaths on Tuesday.

What We Know:

  • The state of New York has a total of 10,000 confirmed deaths from the coronavirus.
  • The total death toll in the U.S. is currently over 23,000.
  • About half the deaths in the US are in the New York metropolitan area, where hospitalizations are slowing and other indicators suggest lockdowns and social distancing are “flattening the curve”.
  • Unemployment numbers have also been grim. In the past three weeks, 16.6 million Americans have filed for unemployment aid. The surge of jobless claims has overwhelmed state unemployment offices around the country. And still more job cuts are expected to come in the next coming weeks.

The unemployment rate could hit 15% when the April employment report is released in early May according to the St. Louis Fed.