Los Angeles Mayor Urges Everyone to Wear Masks

The mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, urged it’s nearly 4 million residents to now wear masks at all times in public to more efficiently combat the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, even as state health officials shied away from enforcing the sue of face masks.

What We Know:

  • Mayor Garcetti made it known on Wednesday that even homemade cloth masks such as a tucked-in bandana, will help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the nation’s second-largest city. He even demonstrated with his own black cloth mask to make his point, while reminding people to practice social distancing regardless.
  • He discouraged the use of medical-grade masks, such as N95 or surgical masks, as the short supply is already effecting health care workers and first responders. The only people that should leave their home and wear masks, are those shopping for food or performing other essential tasks.
  • According to CBS8, Garcetti resonated with citizens and essentially agreed how surreal this scenario feel, while also saying that “we’re going to have to get used to seeing each other like this … This will be the look.”
  • Gavin Newsom has said the number of COVID-19 cases in California is expected to peak in late May. He’s also stated the spread has been slow enough to give the state time to prepare for an expected spike in cases that could overwhelm hospitals if measures aren’t taken now.

While the non-medical face coverings might provide some additional protection, “Californians should not have a false sense of security if they choose to wear them,” Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said. Ghaly is also one of many that relentlessly push for social distancing of 6 feet (1.8 meters) away from other people.