Oprah Winfrey Denies Rumors She Was Arrested for Sex Trafficking

Oprah Winfrey has denied the viral rumors, reporting that she was arrested and her home was raided by law enforcement.

What We Know:

  • Winfrey became one of Twitter’s top trending topics Tuesday night after rumors began circulating on social media that she had been arrested for playing a role in a global sex trafficking ring.
  • After being notified of the rumors, Winfrey came to Twitter Wednesday to confirm they were false.
  • Addressing the rumors, she told her 42.8 million followers, “Just got a phone call that my name is trending. And being trolled for some awful FAKE thing. It’s NOT TRUE,” she said. “Haven’t been raided or arrested.”
  • She ended the post by reminding her audience that she was doing her part to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus by practicing social distancing. “Just sanitizing and self-distancing with the rest of the world. Stay safe everybody,” she said.
  • Winfrey appears to be the one of the latest celebrity victims of QAnon, a group made up of a number of individuals online, who post false conspiracy theories on social media platforms.
  • According to an active conspiracy theory on Facebook, claims were made that Oprah’s house in Boca Raton, Florida, was seized and roped off with red tape.
  • Following the Facebook post, a YouTube livestream video backed up that conspiracy stating the entire house was roped off with police banners.

Oprah is not the only victim of QAnon’s latest false conspiracy theory, other celebrities were involved as well. Even Tom Hanks was accused of avoiding arrest for pedophilia by stating he tested postive for the coronavirus in Australia.