Actress Who Took Out Billboards to get Tyler Perry’s Attention Lands Role on ‘Sistas’

Actress Racquel Bailey was recognized after she put her face on several billboards outside of Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta.

What We Know:

  • Bailey, 33, promoted herself on several billboards last summer to draw Tyler Perry’s attention. Her plan to get Perry’s attention by putting her face on some billboards was actually the product of her two children. The billboards read: “Attention Mr. Perry. Racquel Bailey is your next leading lady.”
  • Last year, Bailey explained that she got the inspiration for the billboard from actress Dorothy Dandridge, who pulled a similar situation in her day.
  • At first, the billboards didn’t seem like a success. Perry had tweeted “Please DON’T DO THIS, SAVE YOUR MONEY!!, This is not the way to get my attention if you’re looking for a role in one of my shows”.
  • However, a few weeks after the billboard move, Bailey auditioned for several roles in some of Perry’s projects at the time she got the part on Sistas. 
  • Sistas is the new BET dramatic comedy that follows a group of single Black women as they navigate the ups-and-downs of modern life.
  • Bailey was chosen to play Officer Rayah, who is about to arrest a character named Zac. The actress was told she couldn’t give out any more details outside of saying that her character may have once been involved with Zac. “She gives him a run for his money and she doesn’t play at all,” Bailey said.
  • “I wanted my children to see me go after my dreams at any cost,” she said. “Because one day they’ll have to chase a dream, and I’ll be able to say, ‘You can do it because Mommy did.’”
  • “I’m glad that I did it,” Bailey said. “I wouldn’t take it back for anything,”

The episode with Bailey in it is set to air Wednesday on BET at 9 p.m. ET.