Louis Farrakhan Addresses Gayle King, Snoop Dogg Controversy

On Sunday, Minister Louis Farrakhan gave a keynote address at the Nation of Islam’s Saviour’s Day 2020 event in Detroit, Michigan.

What We Know:

  • Farrakhan addressed the controversial interview regarding the CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King. King conducted the interview with former WNBA player, Lisa Leslie and in it she questioned if the late Kobe Bryant’s alleged rape allegations would “complicate” his legacy.
  • Farrakhan defended the Instagram video posted by Snoop Dogg in response to the interview. Snoop used vulgar language against King several times for asking Leslie to comment about the 2003 rape allegations made against Bryant.
  • Defending the rapper, Farrakhan said Sunday, “My brother Snoop was angry with you because what you did was so unnecessary”.
  • Addressing King directly, Farrakhan continued, “You are my sister. I love you, and I admire the good that you’ve done. But you were being used on that day to besmirch the memory of a good man, Gayle. You were there to knock down my brother.”
  • Those who seemingly attended the event or were able to view the speech shared what appeared to be quotes by Farrakhan during his keynote speech.
  • King was heavily criticized following the interview with Lisa Leslie. People all across Twitter decided to stand with Minister Farrakhan in the event of his criticism against King.

The public memorial for the late Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna was held today at the Staples Center Arena in Los Angeles.