Morehouse College Polo Club Certified by US Polo Association

Morehouse college has exceeded its excellence yet again by becoming the first HBCU to have a certified Polo team.

What We Know:

  • The Morehouse Polo club idea started back in 2019 by students Rian Toussaint, Justin Wynn, and Caleb Cherry, along with an Atlanta entrepreneur Miguel Wilson, who co-founded the idea.
  • Caleb Cherry’s coach originated this idea before anything took place. He suggested that he could make this happen due to the fact that he started playing polo five years ago.
  • Morehouse College recently received official notice from the U.S Polo Association about their membership, making it into the organization.
  • The students received a number of scholarships that lead them to support the funding of this polo team. Along with access to the proper gear, riding lessons, and competing internationally with other teams. Wilson’s Ride the Olympics Foundation also helped contribute to their funding.
  • “Just so there is no confusion this is the first HBCU team in history,” Wilson said.

Morehouse has achieved so much and is known for making history in the African American community.