New York Deli Offers Free Food For Customers That Solve Simple Math Problems

Some of the late night cravings and low funds you’d expect to find at a New York deli and convenience store is a completely different experience you may receive at Lucky Candy Deli store in the Bronx.

What We Know:

  • A sandwich, a soda, or maybe a chocolate bar to satisfy a midnight craving may be free to the community all thanks to the cashier Ahmed Alwan.
  • Two weeks ago, 20-year-old Alwan decided to start playing a game with shoppers and since has gone viral.
  • The rules are simple: If you can solve a math equation, you get five-seconds to grab anything you want off store shelves and have it for free.
  • So those who answer correctly can grab anything from chips and ice cream to speakers and hookahs, but no matter how much they grab, or how valuable the items are, their cost is always the same $0.
  • Alwan told CNN, “All I want to do was help people, But I wanted to make it fun. So I made a TikTok and chose a challenge, asking them a math question. It’s a way to entertain and educate people in need while putting a smile on their face, too.”
  • Only two weeks and 13 videos in, Alwan has gained over 300,000 followers on TikTok and 17,000 on Instagram since posting the video.
  • Alwan said, “This changed our relationship with the community big time. They’re all showing me so much love and lining up at the store just for a chance to play. We have so many visitors coming to take pictures and say hi. But it’s not about me. It’s about the community.”

Alwan has future plans to make more videos and be more creative with his questions. He even started a GoFundMe to support the game and enable him to help more people.