East River State Park in Brooklyn to Be Renamed After Marsha P. Johnson

Marsha P. Johnson is a well known LGBTQ activist who is receiving a park in her name in Brooklyn.

What We Know:

  • At the annual Human Rights Campaign Gala, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that the Est River State Park will be named after Johnson.
  • Throughout her life, Johnson has been an icon for the community and protected many individuals of the LGBTQ community from harm.
  • Although New York has made many strides to protect and maintain the peace in communities, hate crimes continue to happen towards individuals who identify as being a part of the LGBTQ community as well as minorities.
  • Upon moving to New York, Marsha Johnson, who identified as being transgender, became a prominent image in the “drag queen” community. She became further known for her style and earned the name “The Mayor of Christopher Street”.
  • In 1969, Johnson was one of the main organizers of the Stonewall Uprising which was a protest that occurred after the NYPD wrongfully raided Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village.
  • Johnson stated that her and the other LGBTQ individuals who organized the protest were standing up to police brutality and discrimination.
  • Johnson was also a co-founder of STAR (Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries) which housed endangered LGBTQ youth and sex workers. Johnson and co-founder Silvia Rivera served as the “drag mother” for the youth. STAR lasted until the year 1971.

The riots were recently discussed at the 50th anniversary of the riot and an apology was issued on behalf of NYPD for their performance and conduct in 1969 Stonewall Inn raiding.