Georgia Businesses Find ‘No More N***er Businesses’ Letters Pinned to Their Stores

Racially offensive letters were sent and pinned to the doors of Celeb Styles Barbershop in Snellville, Georgia along with neighboring black businesses, Gravity Trampoline Park and Burn Boot Camp.

What We Know:

  • According to CBS 46, several businesses is Snellville recently received letters from an anonymous person who wants establishments run by black people out of the city.
  • The letter reads: “To whom it may concern, we in the Snellville community want it to be known we don’t want anymore n**ger businesses in our community. We want gravity, celeb barbershop and boot camp gone. Too many n**ger businesses… We will not support them.”
  • The business owners have filed a police report, but as of right now there is not a lot of evidence to work with due to these letters showing up anonymously in the mail. 
  • Carl Sylvain, owner of Celeb Styles Barbershop spoke out against this racial hate and discussed how the letter is offensive and heartbreaking. He also said whoever sent it knows nothing about them.
  • “After receiving that letter, it really broke my heart because that’s not who we are. We are a community-based barbershop. We are here for the people. We want to service all people. Everybody is welcome,” Sylvain said. “That’s not a reflection of the whole city of Snellville, that’s just a reflection of one narrow-minded individual.”

Due to the lack of evidence, there has been no update on the police reports and the investigation of who the sender of these letters.