Study Suggests Discrimination Causes Early Aging for Blacks

According to a new study by the medical journal Health Psychology, facing discrimination could be causing early aging for Black people.

What We Know :

  • The research explains that Black people, who have claimed to face discrimination for over 10 years, are aging at rapid rates.
  • One of the main factors that contribute to cell aging is telomere shortening which can be caused by “great levels of stress,” according to the research of Auburn University professor, Dr. Chae.
  • The shortening of DNA sequences (telomeres) are supposed to prevent chromosomes from deteriorating thus maintaining youth, but it may be not working in people who are facing extreme discrimination.
  • According to questioning of the individuals being tested, the maintenance of the telomere may face detriment if there is an adequate amount of stress related to a particular type of racial discrimination.
  • According to the, over 300 African Americans participated in this study. The individuals involved were from Alabama, Chicago, Minneapolis, and Oakland.
  • The individuals that were a part of the research were also a part of the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Telomere Ancillary Study. Data was first taken for the test in the year 2000 and again in 2010.

The study could depict how discrimination can be causing health issues in the lives of Black people and monitor more on how the lives of Black people facing discrimination contributes to telomere shortening. More on the research can be viewed here.