DOJ’S Declares Hillary Clinton Investigation Baseless

In 2017, President Donald Trump called for an investigation of Hillary Clinton and the Democrats for conspiracy theories about her and her career.

What We Know:

  • Then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked U.S. Attorney John Huber to look into the matter because he felt that the FBI hadn’t fully pursued cases related to the Clinton Foundation, and Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State which included the “Uranium One” conspiracy theory.
  • On Thursday, the Washington Post reported that after two years or investigating, sorting through documents, and conferring with federal law enforcement officials looking into the Clinton Foundation in Little Rock, Arkansas, nothing was found that was worth pursuing let alone any criminal charges. The U.S. attorney has not yet officially reported any results to the Justice Department, and the inquiry is still ongoing.
  • It’s not a surprise to those inside of the Justice Department that the Huber investigation found nothing incriminating. Senior Justice officials said to the Post that the investigation was viewed as little more than a way to satisfy Trump and his Republican allies. One source said, “the inquiry was unlikely to lead to anything of significance…We didn’t expect much of it, and neither did [Huber]… And as time went on, a lot of people just forgot about it.”
  • News regarding the DOJ’s investigation came after the State Department completed its own investigation in Clinton’s emails and the use of a private server. This resulted in them finding 38 individuals that committed 91 security violations in emails sent to or from the private server. Ultimately, the server wasn’t used for transmitting classified information.

Less than an hour after the Post report came out, Trump was back on the campaign trail attacking Hillary repeating his favorite 2016 phase. “Crooked Hillary—you should lock her up, I’ll tell you,” Trump told supporters.