Senator Cory Booker’s Campaign Raises $6.6M In Q4

Cory Booker ended 2019 with a bang, raising $6.6 million in the final quarter of the year.

What We Know:

  • Most of the donations raised came from new donors, his campaign announced on Friday, which shows an increased interest in his candidacy.
  • In a statement, Booker’s campaign manager Addisu Demissie said he was “thrilled” that the campaign surpassed its past fundraising high water marks despite being excluded from the December debate stage “due to the artificial thresholds that prevented viable candidates from participating”.
  • Booker’s recent fundraising has enabled his campaign to begin buying television ads in Iowa, where he will need to exceed expectations to carve out a path forward in the primary.
  • The next Democratic debate is set for January 14 in Iowa and unfortunately Booker has yet to qualify to be on the stage.

Though Booker has met an outstanding goal for his campaign, he trails behind other candidates who have announced bringing in eight-figure-sums.