Atlanta Mayor to Campaign in Iowa for Joe Biden

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms will be in Iowa Friday campaigning for Democratic Presidential hopeful Joe Biden.

What We Know:

  • Atlanta’s Mayor has played a pivotal role in Biden’s campaign. Since her 2019 endorsement, Bottoms has traveled to several of Biden’s office openings coining him the best candidate to beat President Donald Trump.
  • Mayor Bottoms decided to support Biden because of his past work as senator and Vice President. She was quoted saying “When I looked at all of the candidates, the one I thought was the strongest candidate and along with who had the best policies and plans, all roads led me to Joe Biden. I’ve never known him to do the wrong thing.”
  • Campaigning in South Carolina and Texas, Mayor Bottoms has emerged as a top supporter who may sway Black voters.
  • As part of Biden’s “We Know Joe” bus tour, Bottoms will travel to Waterloo, Cedar Rapids and, Iowa City on Biden’s campaign trail. According to a press release, the focus of the tour is to “highlight the broad coalition supporting Biden”. Bottoms believes that Iowa residents and Atlanta residents both have a desire to beat President Donald Trump in 2020.
  • In a statement, Bottoms said “We don’t have to look any further than Iran to see that elections have consequences and this presidential election is the most consequential of my lifetime. That’s why above all, I’m going to Iowa as a concerned citizen to make sure we elect someone of principle and moral character to lead our nation.”
  • Some notable names joining Bottoms on the tour are former Secretary of State John Kerry and former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and current Missouri Congressman Emanuel Cleaver.

The 2020 Elections are scheduled for Tuesday, November 3.