A Poway High School Adds Laundry Facilities And Shower For Homeless Students

Thanks to a grant, Abraxas High School in Poway, California will be adding a facility that will benefit their homeless student population.

What We Know:

  • The school received a $25,000 county grant for the facilities, which will enable students to clean their clothes and themselves on campus.
  • Abraxas Principal Alain Henry says about 1% of students in the Poway Unified School District are classified as “youth in transition,” which means they lack a stable place to live. In any instance, they may have limited access to bathrooms and washing machines, and have a hard time maintaining a regular cleanup routine.
  • The grant will allow for a shower in a restroom in the main office and a washer and dryer in one of the custodial closets.
  • The principal says the facilities will help students fit in better with their classmates. Students will be able to use the facilities at a time that’s convenient for them, most likely before or after school, when fewer people are on campus.

This knocks down a huge barrier that may be standing in between the students and greatness.